Starcraft II

Sorry for the lack of updates, I've joined the millions of people who have purchased Starcraft II lately and have not resurfaced... yet. Between trying to learn the game (first RTS game ever for me) and messing around with UMS/custom maps - my free time has been severely taken up. :P

That being said, I'm maybe a silver quality player in 1v1 but I don't really do 1v1 (I don't even do 2v2 haha). I'm still working on my midgame macro - I love micro but I've learned the hard way that having solid macro goes further than having solid micro. I mean, there is no use for the micro if you keep forgetting about upgrades and pushing more units out, right?

Anyways, I'm sticking to 3v3 and 4v4 until I get my build orders flawless + remembering to macro when I decide to tech and play micro-heavy units (aka void rays). I have a bad habit (as with any new player if I'm correct) of watching all the little fights that go on and then completely forget about the base haha...

Here's my profile, for US/NA players to add if you want to mess around with some games. :) Right now I'm dropping my fast-ray tactic and working on 4gate to improve my macro.

For people who are new to the game like me, I found it helpful to watch some of day9's shows, random diamond-level replays from, and just observing some of my friends who are sc1 vets. I haven't completed campaign (1/3 of the way through) and I haven't finished all the single player challenges. So improving in multiplayer doesn't require any of single player parts of the game :P although I will agree that tactics in 1v1 vary greatly from 2v2, which then is quite different from 3v3 and 4v4.


Alien Swarm: Free Valve Co-op Game

So this Monday (July 19th) Valve released a free (yes, free) game called Alien Swarm. It is a 4 person birds-eye view shooter that can be played solo, co-op, or multiplayer.

This mod was originally created by Black Cat Games for Unreal Tournament 2004 - the developers were hired by Valve (these devs have also been working on the Left 4 Dead series as well as Portal 2). Interesting that they only announced this game 3 days before launch.

Best news of all: this game comes with source files and a map editor so players can create maps and campaigns for the community!

Client size: ~2gb

Short clip of my crew playing the 2nd half of a level on hardest difficulty + AI director. Yeah we kind of make it seem easy (it kind of is, but still fun!)

There are 8 characters with their own specific stats - these stats are all "boosts" to certain areas, such as healing more or bigger explosions.

Special Weapons


I'll have a proper review later... when I'm not busy playing it. :)


TF2, D2, Massively

Alright, so whenever I have free time at work (aka lunch break) I like to take some time and read Massively articles. Unfortunately I think most of their commenters are haters because finding a positive comment is like digging for a needle in a haystack. Seriously, since when have gamers become so whiny and ranty about games that aren't even released yet (such as SW:TOR)? I'll have to agree with them on Allods though - from what I've observed I might not even be trying out the new patch at all. Their rep as an mmo pretty much continues to sink, I've yet to see a single supportive comment, and many Massively readers aren't giving the game a chance.

This week was a bit rough for gaming - a storm caused my internet cable to fray and thus I didn't have stable internet from Tuesday until now. :P I've been playing a lot of Diablo 2 lately - mostly because I've never played it before (gasp, I know!). Just finished Act 1 of Nightmare mode... :)

I'll be hitting up Team Fortress 2 tonight, so add me on Steam if you have it... I'm a complete noob though, so be nice!


Transformice Guide

Lately I've been playing a lot of Transformice... it has a silly name, and it's a silly game, but it's tons of fun and perfect for people who can only squeeze in a few minutes a day. Just imagine 20+ mice, 1 shaman who can create planks (and more) affected by physics, and a mad scramble to be first to return the cheese.

Basically you get to play a mouse, who wants to collect some cheese and return to your hole. Except... usually the cheese is placed in an unreachable area, and you need help from the shaman who has building powers. Now this can go either way, the (good) shamans can help you and keep everyone alive, while the (bad aka troll) shamans will abuse their power to kill you. Sometimes this creates hilarious circumstances.

It's a web browser Flash game, and you can play it here:
Each round only takes a maximum of 2 minutes and the game keeps players coming back by implementing a store that sells hats and such (at the price of cheeeese *-*) aside from sheer fun factor. The 2 people who created this game are constantly adding updates and new servers! The latest update introduced several new maps, and now the game has a whopping 81 levels to play.

Continue reading...


Busy Busy

For those of you checking out free to play mmos: Turbine is making Lord of the Rings Online (LotRO) free to play soon! It just entered closed beta and you can sign up for it here. The client is 10gb and their downloader goes pretty slow... Is it worth it? We'll see either tonight or tomorrow when I get my hands on it!

I've got the latest Allods patch downloaded, but haven't had a chance to play. Seems like there is so much to do on my list - I've got art commissions to finish up and about 4 different games I want to finish.

Bioware announced that Dragon Age 2 will be released around March 2011. (I still haven't finished Dragon Age: Origins, and yes its on my to-do list!)

p.s. Excuse the random template changes, I'm seeking the best structure to tweak - a bit lazy/busy to start from scratch.

p.p.s. Don't forget I'll be undergoing a url change today. I still get a few hits from people searching up "Life in Tensess" on Google.


Allods: Raeg!

So I didn't have the time last night to log on Allods (or even download the patch haha, gg me) but I'll definitely check in within the next day and have an "impressions" post sometime up this weekend. Perhaps it'll come earlier if the changes infuriate me as much as some of the posters are expressing on the forums. I know Allods gets a lot of flack when patches come, but the onslaught of negativity on the forums has me worried - generally there aren't SO many and usually there are a group of people diligently defending the game.

For people who have already experienced the new patch - what makes you go yay and what annoys you the most? So I can prepare myself...

I don't understand people who stick around the game complaining though, and predicting the game will die... I posted this on the forum yesterday (yes I'm lurking!) and I'll rewrite it here: Allods is more or less still a free to play game. I don't care how much you want to argue it, but without a subscription cost it can still technically be called that. People only predict doom and gloom for subscription games (like APB), when these games fail (Global Agenda) they hop on the free 2 play wagon. After that there is no real "death" to the game. Since Allods is already free, it will continue to attract random players... it won't die off for a long time. Yes the turnover rate will be extremely high (lack of substantial amount of long term players) but it won't die.

Some people are still keeping an eye on this game (Massively) hoping it will redeem itself from the very first cash shop fiasco to the last few patches, because (usually) the only thing to lose is time.

Speaking of BURNN 1up posted their APB review yesterday and the verdict was a D... Ouch! Several people who commented even went as far as an F! Personally I would give it a C+.

"A dev releases a mediocre game that is full of problems, yet many still play it. What incentive is there for a dev to do it properly?"
Something to think on!


Patch :O

I'll be checking out the new patch with my psi (who still hasn't hit 40) - but since all my friends have also quit, I'll need to find a place to call home. With that being said, are there any casual guilds on Tensess recruiting? If not and if everyone is on Nezeb, I feel a reroll coming on... :P (I still have my healer on Nezeb!) With that said, any guilds that are recruiting - please leave your faction/server/contact info in a comment and I'll stop by later tonight or tomorrow. :D

I'm mostly looking forward to player addons. I saw a video on cursed items, and it looks like it doesn't occur that often so I'm not too bothered by them. There's a lot of random rage about them (like on Massively) but I guess we'll all get to see for ourselves tomorrow. I didn't read all the patch notes but.. disappoint @ lack of psi skill/ruby fixes.

Right now I'm playing the other acclaimed free2play mmo, Dungeons and Dragons Online (DDO).. so once I reach (or almost reach) endgame there, I'll do a comparison of what works and what doesn't when it comes to cash shops.

Edit: Reading the forums makes me want to strangle people again, I think Allods has one of the less enjoyable mmo communities I've been in. Not sure if its because people are angry the game requires money (that they prob aren't paying anyways) or if its because there is a mass of younger players (free games tend to attract that group).


Name/URL Change Incoming

Hey readers! Since I'm undergoing revamping of this blog, the name will no longer be "Life in Tensess" and the URL will no longer be ""

Instead, they will change to Just Duet and respectively. The name "just duet" is a play on my alias Duet and on the phrase "JUST DO IT!" I'll be changing the address on July 9th.

Speaking of names, what names do you typically use in games/forums/etc and why?

I've used the name Airu (or Eiru for male chars) for maybe 4-5 years now - in mmos this character is probably a healer. Duet is fairly recent, being only slightly over a year old. If those names are taken I use a variation of Aeso. I love short names (less than 5 characters) and none of them really have any special meanings. :) Where did Lunith come from? Well that's a really old name of mine, definitely over 6 years!

I'll be back on Allods for the July 7th patch, and as usual, I'll be uploading mirror patches!


APB at a Glance

Alright! I'm finally posting!

Right now I seem to be in an MMO slump, over the past half year I've tried out the following games: Left 4 Dead 2, Allods Online, APB (beta), Aion, and now DDO. L4D2 was probably the longest lasting game, something I played almost every night for almost 2 months... However, unlike the first game (which lasted me almost half a year) I don't have a set versus team to run with all the time, and any MMO player knows that pugging = ultimate fail at times. It's not really an mmo, but a shooter - and its great to play for an hour or two.

All Points Bulletin
So I closed-beta tested this for over a month, playing every few days. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this title, it is more or less a GTA mmo. It's developed by Realtime Worlds, who are known for their console title, Crackdown. There are pve/rpg elements in this game (you do missions to progress) but the main gist is pvp pvp pvp. All of your missions are vs other players, there are no true pve encounters. Since its a pvp/shooter game, it relies heavily on having a good (aka not laggy) system and stable servers. Since I played on the EU servers I always had a ping above 200ms - so my views on server stability are probably skewed.

The customization this game offers is pretty amazing! Personally, I spent maybe 20 or so out of the 90 hours played in the social district just playing around with making new outfits and cool looking cars. I saw some really creative original designs, as well as almost-perfect replicas of well known idols. The game also rewards you for spending time customizing, as higher levels of "fashionista" and "tuner" unlock new clothes / car parts respectively + give you a lump of cash.


Revamping the Blog

Hey people, whoever is still left anyways, I'm revamping my blog to a general gaming and art blog. I'll admit I've missed this blog and I've missed writing articles, even though I'm not that good of a writer. :) I've been a fan of user generated guides since forever ago, and I love babbling on about whatever.

Since getting a job I've started running out of time to really game, but I still love to read about them when I have the time! Aside from guides I'm a big fan of discussing "balance" and trivial matters that people won't know unless they live on forums like I do... so expect a lot of that (and my heavily opinionated reviews). The blog layout will also be redone since I've become very familiar with CSS within the past few weeks.

I'll have articles up about TERA Online (very excited for this mmorpg) and Sims 3 Ambitions soon!



Hey all, I have not played Allods for 3+ weeks now. And have no motivation to do so as my friends have also quit - some to go as far as uninstalling. :P Perhaps I'll be back in the future when there is more content or what not, perhaps not. After 2 years of WoW and plenty of other misc mmorpgs, I think I may just be growing out of / getting bored of the genre... Right now I have far more fun logging in for 1-2 hours of FPS/TPS than several hours of mmorpg grinding.

So here's to wishing everyone a good summer and fun on Allods!

Hope this blog was interesting/useful to some people... bye for now! :D


Checking In

Hey all, I haven't played Allods for about a whole week now - was preoccupied with the EU All Points Bulletin beta (which was pretty fun, but like many MMO betas: has its imba and glitch issues). So how is everyone with Allods? Still having fun? I have a lot to catch up with but we'll see if I'm even up for it... Just redownloaded a psx emulator so I might be MIA for a few more days. ;)

My most important question is: is endgame still boring as usual? Perhaps I'll spend some time with my league now...


Grinding Music + KOS Lists

I seem to have a few returning readers - so I'd like to say... thanks for reading!

So does anyone else play without sounds and/or turns on their own tunes while playing? If so, what kind of music gets you leveling/pvping/grinding/etc? Youtube links are appreciated, as I'm looking for new music... ;) I find that I grind best to music that is repetitive... I'll admit I also like to sing along to songs while I level. When I'm doing anything super srs though, I'll turn it all off so I can concentrate.

With that being said, here's my rep grind music of the day (instrumental!):

For people who have leveled to (and past) AT, do you guys keep Kill-On-Sight lists? I know I do! Usually people won't make it to the list unless they've killed me multiple times (unfairly). Speaking of which, people who pop war banners, kill someone, then run straight back to safe zone = fail. I'm calling those people out! Although, I guess there is some satisfaction knowing that they know they can't face me in a fair 1v1.


Almost 40! And Tired of Forums

As of this entry, I'm only 80% away from dinging 40. I'm not too fond of Dragon Ring, after dodging 2 geared 40s with warbanners patrolling the whole map for the entire banner duration... so I've decided to check out Yazes Shard. Fortunately that place has a lot more quests and the terrain is a bit easier to navigate... aka, not filled to the brim with 39 mobs that I can't kill without using spectral assassin.

Posted this screenie because I believe this is the official Xad psi cape! ;D I could be wrong, but it certainly matches the color/symbols from the character creation screen.

Pretty tired of browsing the forums because it seems like every other thread is raging about one thing or the other. I can't believe the "omg do something about teh AT ganking!!1" stuff is still going on. Come on people, this is a WORLD PVP game, what the heck are you expecting? How come I have a feeling most people who complain about that stuff have never experienced world pvp games? It's nothing new, world pvp is never fair and even I have come to accept that. When I was leveling up my priest during the release of TBC, I think I died like 13 times within an hour in hillsbrad. I died even more in STV, the AT of WoW. Except unlike Allods, you had no unflag option in contested areas in pvp realms and you had to run back to your body so level capped players could literally CAMP YOU FOR AN HOUR. Did we have the option to stand on a res pad and teleport out? NOPE! When I was leveling in outlands I was ganked from ABOVE - by players on flying mounts completely epic'd out. Did I go on the forums and cry that this was unfair and something needs to be done about it? No.

Now I'm ranting, but yeah... Really tired of seeing that issue keep popping up. I'm starting to believe the only way to make people happy is have PVE and PVP servers.


Crash Fixed - What About Heroics/Astral?

Although it took them almost 5 days to fix the crash - at least its done. The latest patch has cleared majority of users from the annoying memory leak that made many aspects of the game unplayable (notably instances and astral). Even I got a taste of it - ran tt2 with a few new 40s and we wiped on a boss soley due to the fact that all 3 40s managed to crash during a boss encounter. That aside, I can't imagine doing tt2 with a legit group of 35s, it seems quite difficult.

There has been no word on whether or not fixes will go out to heroics and astral. From what I've read and heard ingame, new 40s will have an extremely hard time completing heroics because of aggro issues - it seems like aggro ranges have increased significantly along the 20% damage increase. As we all know, psi's spectral assassin has been nerfed for bosses so I'm a bit bummed since I'll be fairly useless dps-wise on red rings. As for astral, the drop decrease seems a bit dramatic... I will agree that previously it sounded way too easy, but now it seems like they went overboard with nerfs.

As much as I am all for "challenging" in a game, anything extremely time consuming that provides little rewards goes opposite of that belief. There is a difference between wasting time because the game mechanics said so, and wasting time because people in your group just don't know how to play. People should be able to finish heroics in a timely manner without needing to be already in epic gear... it kind of defeats the purpose of progression. I would say that a geared group should be able to clear all heroics for the day given 5 hours. Since this game does not have that many heroics yet, and 5 hours is quite a span of time, I think it's a good goal to shoot for. If it is taking people longer than this to clear, then something is wrong. (We aren't even counting the hours they need to do dailies + farm money + whatever)

I'm not far from 39, but I will probably get to 40 just doing my dailies every day... more or less postponing 40.


Customer Satisfaction

I wanted to take this time to remind everyone to take Allods/Gala-net's customer satisfaction survey. This is probably a better way to make them notice that some people aren't happy. With that being said, please be extremely honest with your form so they get the right data. :D Who knows, you might even win some ingame goodies like incense and crystal chips!

Another way to get your opinions on the game across to AstrumNival is e-mailing the Gala-net Allods team at:

I encourage this because, even though many suggestions are posted on the forums, they might be missed due to the fact that half the forum = random posts. Gala-net needs to compile all the user suggestions before they send it off to AN, and I don't blame them for not wanting to comb through messy forums to find valuable feedback. 

With that being said, I am probably going to hold off endgame until the crashes are fixed. When my friends hit 40 and we get all our rep gear and start up heroics, we'll then decide if this game is worth hanging onto... Quite honestly, what the 40s are saying about heroics and astral post-patch has me worried. :P


Progress Report! (2)

I've been meaning to draw more art of my characters, but I never seem to get around to doing it. :P So here's a  quick doodle of my league healer... Yup, I rolled a male elf! Although, if you ask me, it's not much different from rolling a female elf... just I don't have the flimsy Disney-like fairy wings. ;) He's only level 8 right now, but I'm out of fatigue for the day. If you see me on Tensess, be sure to say hi!

So far I'm not having too many problems with crashing. My psi (just dinged 37!) has arrived in Avilon and is actually almost done with it since the zone is so short... I'll probably hit 40 this weekend, and we'll see whether or not the QQing about heroics is justified!

Oh right,  I wanted to mention it felt like the first few levels of League were more... finished. At least, I felt like it was more interesting than Empire's waddling around Nezebgrad. Granted, League side also felt longer since there was more travel time + actually completing a zone by level 6-7.


v6 Client Crashing

As far as I know, there is currently no fix for this. The crashing is caused by a memory leak - the longer your client/game runs (AOgame.exe) the more memory it eats until it crashes. It seems like for most people this is somewhere around 1.5gb of memory. Basically, the game isn't crashing "randomly" and it only feels like its lagging because it's using up so much of your computer's resources.

I have actually not experienced any crashing because I restart my client when it hits the 1gb mark, and it takes approx. an hour of running before it gets that high. Now I've read on the forums that it crashes even faster (less than 30min) for some people, so keep an eye on your taskmanager (or whatever you use) and restart accordingly. Their latest patch (the 16mb one) seems to have done absolutely nothing to fix this error.

I'm not sure whether or not Gala-net really operates during the weekend - probably not - but they need to get a fix out for this as soon as possible. This is one of the few reasons why releasing patches late in the week is a horrible idea for a game prone to bugs and glitches, we usually end up having to wait a whole weekend before support resumes.

That aside, I'm liking the anonymous psionicist-only channel!

For people who need the 16mb patch ( -> due to peer searching issues, I've also uploaded that at this link:

If you are getting the launcher corrupted error, don't forget to run this!


Forums are for QQ: Aftermath of v6

I am pretty much busy with finals and projects until mid next week... so I probably won't have time to really write anything long and meaningful like I have planned. I still do check up on the forums whenever I'm taking a break though. :D

The forums are a mess and I'm tired of going in there and trying to sort things out. I'm in no way affiliated to Gala-net, so any of my "defending" posts I make on the forums are my own thinking. I criticize when it needs to be done, but I defend when too many people are being unreasonable.. which, right now, too many people are. (I have been called a "suck up to the GMs" on the forums now, that's pretty cute - ad hominem attacks are always nice) Sometimes I wonder if I'm digging myself into a hole acting like this... I have been more or less rejected by the 2 big empire guilds on Tensess - but I'm going to wave that around like a trophy.

Quite frankly I am sick of how entitled a lot of people think they are. They are playing a *free* to play game, with the bought items not having a timer until you activate it... or some items like bags will stay with your character forever. Now if it was a subscription-based model, and the servers were crashing and glitchy for several days - I would probably join the masses of unhappy people.. because you know, you're actually wasting money the more days you go without playing. But this isn't the case with Allods. Why do people feel like not playing a game for 1 day is the end of the world? Some people should probably step away from their computers for awhile...


v6 Manual Patch Download

Hello readers (whoever you are!), if you are looking for a faster way to get the latest patch without waiting for the launcher's torrent... look no further!

I have uploaded the patch on Filefront:
And Megaupload:

Includes files for: -> ->

Edit: If you get the launcher error, all you have to do is download and run the repair.exe, which you can download here (thanks Darren/Chomp!):

Also, I have enabled anonymous commenting on my blog, so people who are too lazy to create an account or sign into one, feel free to post whatever!


Chilling with GM Chomp

Yesterday I was able to talk to Darren Allarde, or GM Chomp, directly on ventrilo concerning the future of Allods. Darren is the associate producer of Allods, he works for Gala-net and you might have seen him ingame (or just on [world] chat) under the name "CHOMP_". Sometimes you'll also find him on the forums or posting on his developer blog. Novograd Times is doing an interview with him soon and is accepting questions from the players themselves - check it out.

It's always good to hear exactly what is going on from a reliable source, especially since what Allods is lacking most right now (as mentioned in several entries) is information. A lot of players feel like they don't know where the game is going - right now I can say that Gala-net/Gpotato is definitely trying hard to get all our suggestions across to AstrumNival, although I don't think I'm allowed to give out full details. ;) My original guess on why patches are slow wasn't too far from the truth.

One of my friends and I both gave a decent amount of feedback as well as suggestions to Darren, so hopefully our concerns will be heard by AstrumNival and will be acted on accordingly. I'll discuss more about whats in store for Allods NA and EU in another entry, as I also want to evaluate why Allods is viewed so negatively by other sites (I have been snooping around) and what everyone can do to make this a better experience. My previous entry is still worth a read if you want information on common concerns found on the official forums.

Patch v6 at a Glance
A lot of players on both the NA and EU forums were making quite a fuss about FoD being applied when players were resurrected by other players. People's reasons ranged anywhere from: "this is just another ploy to make us buy incense!" to "why bother getting a res skill?"

This has since been removed from the patch notes - I hope people will calm down now and realize that Gala-net doesn't want Allods to sink anymore than we do. The rest of the patch has mostly generated positive responses.


Analyzing the Present and Future

One can only ignore game imbalances and flaws for so long, and people can only be so patient. It would suffice if the GMs promised balancing patches in the future, but seeing how we get a glimpse of RU patches anyways - the future looks bleak. What's especially questionable is how RU servers are going to add "new content" aka upping the level cap to 42, without fixing all the bugs and glitches of the first 40 levels. Yes bored 40s are complaining, but I think it's in the best interest of the game to, well you know, make the trip smoother before you add more problems to the pile.

I have observed the forums for quite awhile now, and I see the same responses and the same inquiries by many players... I'll be looking into both sides' defenses and their imposed changes.

Lots of text ahead!


Psi Psi Psionicist!

With the right build and playstyle you'll dominate any other class, but getting up to that level takes a lot of trial-and-error. - Trauma
What do psionicists do, and why would you play one? It's hard to describe exactly what a psi is, especially compared to WoW, because there is no copy. The closest thing I can find is: CC like a frost mage with spells that look like a mix of arcane mage + shadow priest. Choke reminds me of mind flay. ;)

How come we're one of the most wanted classes endgame? Well every heroic group needs a player to CC - psi's really shine in this. Mages are another class that can CC, but we bring more utility. Our CC chains take longer to set up, but we have a melee buff (Rapid Metabolism) as well as a caster buff (Disciplined Mind) - not to mention if specced right we can also give our mana to other users. If we pick up the ruby talent Fear of Failure and spam shock, our whole group gets up to a 9% damage boost on a target. We're just an all around utility/support class that provides CC.

Then why are there so few of us? It might be because the psi class takes awhile to learn, or because we are darn squishy, or because it takes too long for us to set up to kill anything. Most fights start out with casting mental link + mental twin - which might feel a bit unnecessary to players who just want to run in and start smashing things.

In pvp we are alright solo, but we shine the most in group pvp. Others can watch our backs while we orchestrate control from a distance - we can disarm players, knock them down, disable 1-2 players completely from a fight, pull them into a group to be aoe'd, etc.

Read on for input from 2 level 40 psi's who really enjoy their class.


Progress Report!

Amount of crying and whining over the new patch notes is making me stay away from the forums, which is also making me not generate any new ideas for content... :P Next post will probably be a Coba Plateau rep guide, but I haven't even found the rep quests yet so...

My latest article is an interview with Lockness, an Empire summoner on Tensess. He's the second player in open beta to have reached the max pvp rank, you can read about it here.

Now that I have spectral assassin and will suppression, pvping as a psi has become a lot more interesting. My psi is currently level 33 and I healed my first legit Xaes run today on my healer. :D It was fun! Although really slow...

That's all for now, until next time!


Reputation: Eljune Forestfolk

If you've endured the reputation grind in Asee-Teph - I applaud you (just the thought of that keeps me far away) . The grind in Eljune is a lot easier in terms of not having 40s 1-shot you every few minutes, however since Forestfolk is a neutral faction, you will most likely run into the opposite faction. If you like avoiding pvp - I'll promise you, at times you'll really wish you had a war banner...

(click for larger version!)

Anyways, welcome to Icemirror Lake - your new home until you hit the default 25k rep for Respected! I started my rep grind when I was level 30 with approx 6k rep from questing beforehand.

The 2 best ways to get rep are:
  1. Repeatable quest, which involves killing 6 Huge Pike (weird fish things in the river/lake) and collecting 6 River Fish from the nets along the lake. (1,000 per turn in)
  2. Killing Lake Lizard Warriors. There are quite a few different types of lizards in the area (female and fighter) but only the warriors will give rep. (varied amount)
Warning: This place can be relatively quiet, or it can be packed. People tend to warbanner here so they can get rid of spawn competition and/or earn some combat glory vs similar level players.


Gpotato and Cash Shop

Since we are getting a new patch within the next few weeks, a lot of players are speculating about the "hidden" changes, and other players are upset about the future of cash shops. Although NA servers have Fear of Death, and are not changing it for awhile... our Allods friends in Russia have voted it away, to be replaced with a "cursed" item system. This has caused some unrest in the forums, but no one seems to know for sure exactly how often items will be cursed upon death.

Of course along with cursed items comes with cash shop items to prevent and/or remove these curses. has a few articles about translated patch notes and RU's new cash shop system. Their new shop seems to be a type of indirect subscription model (with future xp scrolls), which I have mixed feelings about... at least the prices are very affordable.

A few things to keep in mind: since we are only on version 0.6 and this is in 1.0+, we will probably not get these changes for quite awhile. Gpotato has shown us in the past (and present) that what the Russians get, isn't exactly what we get. I hope Gpotato will make the right decisions to keep this game popular in NA (and for all the international players too).

Have you made any cash shop purchases? When I first joined I was awed enough by the game to state that I would "pay a subscription for this game" but seeing how those who run the NA servers do not have direct connection to the developers (Gpotato = middle man) and thus cannot hotfix aspects of the game, I have become a bit more hesitant. :)


The Other Faction?

What I love about faction games is that you can end up really cheering for your own faction. Now, this can go wrong when your own faction has inner disputes and/or players start acting too personal and too insulting towards the other faction (but perhaps some people like this?) I felt like WoW made this work out very well - with catchphrases like "for the horde/alliance!" that you can yell while running into battle. It makes the game just a wee bit more interesting!

Does anyone else feel the same about Allods? Do you have an allegiance to your own faction, and despise the other? Or are they all the same to you?

Or are you like me and can't bring yourself to even level an opposite faction?


Support PVP Healer

(screenshot from Novograd Times - healer casting circle of healing)

If you've ever visited the healer archetype forum on the official Allods forums, you'll notice that the majority of the threads are about melee healers. Well, what about the players who don't want to play melee healer? Occasionally you'll also come upon a few threads discussing pve healing... but what about people like me who want to heal/support in pvp?!

As a huge fan of disc priests on WoW - who were useful mainly for their utility and mix of offensive and defensive spells - I'm trying to make Allods' healers fit the role I want to play. Which is not standing in the back lines healbotting, but not in the front lines smacking people's faces in. If I wanted to do that I may as well roll warrior! I like healers that are mid-range players... you're close enough to annoy the enemies, but far enough to not get trampled over. This requires a build that can tank multiple targets while pushing out spot healing and dispels.

Due to the lack of information, I ended up playing around with the talent calculator and made my own build.


Socializing, Group Dynamics

(I don't have a cool Allods guild screenie yet, so I'll leave you with this instead)

I'm not sure how many people read my blog, since a lot of the newer comments I've been getting are guest posts... but how are your all's experiences with the social aspect of Allods? Have you joined a guild? Did you start the game with a group of friends? Did you make some friends along the way? Or maybe, you're just a solo person?

What brought about this topic was a thread on the forums commenting on how they could not find enough players to run heroics... there would always be a certain class/role missing. Now I figured if you were in a guild, and you made friends while leveling up, you wouldn't be as likely to run into this problem when you hit cap. After all, this is a massively multiplayer experience - the social aspect of mmorpgs is half the fun! Feeling like you're part of a community tends to make players stick around longer than if they did not participate in such social endeavors.

You want to find a group/guild that...


PvP "Skill", Guilds

Yes, a lot of my entries will be discussing pvp... because I like pvp, but I don't like Allods pvp.

I love how much e-peen waving there is on the forums right now about pvp. Specifically certain guild members vs other guild members of another faction. I can't believe people are already using words like "skill" and calling other players bad. I'm sorry, but if WoW arenas was viewed as one of the least skilled mmorpg pvp-types (why yes, it is an e-sport), then Allods isn't even on the meter. Currently there is way too much imbalance between the classes... that's right... I called it out! CC lasts for way too long, a certain class can attack while bubbled, too much rock, paper, scissor-ing.

Since there are no battlegrounds or skill!rankings, I'm afraid you can't single out players as being better than another. Ultimately it's up to groups of players, in this case: whole entire guilds. But how are you going to measure that? One side will always think they are better than the other... and no one will admit defeat. Alas, I believe the e-peen threads will live on. Perhaps the better question is, why does it matter? So what if a League guild lands in Yasker's Tower? Cool story bro?

I wonder if guilds understand that their forum presence actually affects how other people view them. Although, if their original plan was to look like elitist jerks, then kudos to them. I'm all for competition, but not of the insult-throwing kind... and with my experience in mmorpgs, the people who need to talk down / brag to other players are probably some of the worst players. And if by chance they are good, they have a personality that you'll get tired of quick.

Inflated egos != skill.

In other news, I plan to roll League (melee scout) on Nezeb sometime in the future. I've reserved the name Akrios (I like him better than Neilyo!). Cookies if you can guess the reference.


Endgame PvP Debate

Before anything else is said, here is a shameless plug for the Novograd Times - I will be starting up a "guiding new players" column on there soon. But no worries, all my opinionated observations and such will still be posted on this blog.

There is a thread on the forums asking about the possibility of including battlegrounds or arenas in Allods. The replies are fairly interesting, some people agree and others disagree. It seems like most players who are against it believe that battlegrounds/arenas will kill world pvp, while the opposing side thinks organized pvp is a great way of obtaining the currently almost-impossible at 40: the Judge/Juggernaut rank. This rank unlocks the special third ruby, one of the very last ruby for any player to get.

The first thing we need to get straight is: Is Allods a pvp game? Some people will say yes, other people will say no. It seems like the game itself has confusing goals, as it includes some heavy pve elements (unflagging yourself, best gear obtainable through pve content) as well as some heavy pvp elements (quests that flag you, war banners, pvp ranks) that intertwine with each other. The game can go either way, but to have pve AND pvp be equally important... well that's a balancing feat that even the WoW-gods have issues with.


Observation: Server Delay Issues

If you have played a caster, you will notice that sometimes your cast bar will go to 100% but your spell will not cast (especially if you are getting hit by a mob/player). Spell push back is a good mechanic, but is fairly useless when your cast bar does not work properly - all you can do is guess when your spell will actually go off. This happens to other classes as well, such as scouts not doing the correct damage until their second shot (according to a friend).

Aside from classes, there also seems to be a glitch with players' hp bars. Sometimes you will get hit for damage that won't show on your screen and won't update your hp bar. The only change is in the numbers on your bar, but honestly, who really pays attention to that all the time? In most of these situations, you won't even be aware of what is happening until you are dead.

Unfortunately this also affects global cool down and cast cancellations. Its lag that doesn't really exist, but is probably caused by information delay from the game client to the server. For me, sometimes it feels like the ghost lag gives me an extra 200-400ms of ping.

I don't believe its the servers, but rather how the client actually deals with sending information packets. Hopefully it will get fixed in a future patch, but we'll have to wait and see.

As for my character progress, I have arrived in Eljune at level 28! This place looks rather cold and gloomy though. :(


Asee-Teph: Day 3

Pardon my earlier rant, we'll now return to regular posts. :D

As of this moment I'm not far level 27 - where I will finish up some key quests in Asee-Teph and move onto Eljune. Overall, my experience in this zone was good; the ganking didn't see as "game-breaking" as many forum posts suggested. However, I do agree that there are a lot of things in the area that make pvp less fun than it ought to be, and these should be fixed as soon as possible for Allods to lose less players. I'm hoping my second round here will be better, as I'll be playing my healer who won't be as squishy as my psi. This is from a solo point of view, as I rarely grouped with people.

Here are three changes I personally would like to see:
  • Fix glitchy NPCs. It might be intended, but the high level NPCs guarding the spawn points shouldn't aggro from 3 miles away. Ironically, I'll get killed by a League Defender before I see him, yet when I respawn the Empire NPC just sits there while an equal level League player stares at me from a few feet away. It seems like guard npcs are hit and miss when it comes to helping a fellow player escape mobs.
  • Change mob stuns. Seriously, who thought of this idea? Not only do mobs knock you down and stun you for 2 full seconds, there is no diminishing return so they can literally stun you to death. The proc rate seems unusually high, and all mobs run as fast as the player (or if there is a space discrepancy, they will knock you down).
  • Nerf pets. I know the distance change is coming soon, but pets really shouldn't take 3 years to kill. Sure some of them can act like tanks, but nerf the damage then? They shouldn't have the ability to tank AND do good dps at the same time. Or maybe I'm just bad because I don't have much to prevent spell pushback when a pet is chomping on me while his owner pewpews as well.
The flagging system (minus the glitches that are getting fixed next patch) is fine, and so are war banners. The world pvp flagging system works like it ought to, the problems lay elsewhere... Although I'm sure pet classes and people who hunt players will disagree with me. ;)



Putting it under a cut because it is wholeheartedly ranting, mostly about game mechanics. Call it whining if you want!


Asee-Teph: Day 2

Making speedy progress, I'm actually halfway through level 25 now. :) I spent a good hour grinding out about 40% of a level, then grouped up with a player I met in Dead Sea and knocked out about 10 quests. Fortunately, we didn't run into many league players! But lots of thanks to Teggycon the summoner for helping me with my quests even though he had already finished them.

Anyways, grinding is not bad at all on Allods! And at times I would rather do that then die repeatedly to level-??s with war banners. This is how I grind:
  1. A good pace for me is having mind link / mental twin up every time I kill a mob, unless I know it does not hit hard (does not get me below 75% by the time it dies). If it takes longer than that, it's not worth it. If it dies quicker but doesn't hurt, I will use twin every other mob. For the mobs that I don't link, I use mental pulse to preserve some hp and buy some time.
  2. My spell rotation, after setting up ML / twin, is mindfire -> choke -> psi shock til dead. If it takes more than 2 psi shocks after choke for the mob to die, it takes too long to kill and is not worth it. Ideally it will die after choke.
  3. I have little if any downtime, usually I will heal spam with Mental Cleansing and then Trance to get rid of overload (saves money on food!). With the gear from Lab13, AT, and rookie pvp rank, I have enough faith that my heals hit for 600-1k.


Basic PvP Survival

There's an excellent post on the official Allods forums giving some tips on surviving in a pvp environment. Here are my additions:

  1. Be aware. In most mmorpgs, basic player awareness will keep you alive a lot longer. This means panning your camera around every once in awhile to know your surroundings. Better awareness is usually something good pvpers have, and will also aid in pve. In AT, make sure you keep an eye on unflagged players of the opposite faction, who knows when they will change their mind and pop a war banner? Use line of sight, and even mobs, to your advantage.
  2. Memorize safe routes and safe places (since we have no minimap), grinding isn't as bad as it seems, albeit boring. OP has already covered this so I'll leave it as is.
  3. Think out of the box when using some of your skills. Remember this is pvp, not pve. Players aren't just going to stand there and let you wail on them - learn to properly fight back. This doesn't mean panicking and hitting all your buttons at once. You can practice mobility and flexibility on normal mobs, or even CC + escape strategies. Not everyone is (or can instantly be) a pvp pro, you'll win some you'll lose some. Accept that, learn and move forward.


Asee-Teph: Day 1

Well, I'll just start this off by saying I died... a LOT. And today is only my first day in the notorious Holy lands, aka Asee-Teph! Did it take me a long time to finally ding 24? Yes... yes it did. Was it THAT bad? Nope.

Several times it was my own fault (man those League Defenders have a huuge aggro radius, I got hit for 87k by one before I even saw him on my screen) for running around with my flag up ;) but it was good fun and I racked up about 50 combat glory without actually seeking pvp. A guildie and I literally died 6+ times within maybe 15 minutes because a huge group of League were waiting right outside for us. FoD at this level is still almost negligible, and running back for me was fairly easy due to psi speed buff + how close most spawn points are. I didn't die very often when my flag was down though, but one should always keep a wary eye out in case that unflagged dude near you decides to pop a war banner.

When things got bad I just ran off to a fairly isolated area, turned on my flag for extra xp, and grinded about 25% of the level. Time of day seems to affect how often you'll run into the other (and your own) faction, so I will probably be making most of tomorrow's questing progress early morning, and finishing up with grinding in the evening. Seeing as how Asee-Teph quest taper off at level 27, I'm sure I can survive another 3 levels of this, even if it takes longer than usual.

Things I'm most looking forward to in the v6 patch:
  • Flag will be lowered upon entering purg
  • Shortcut to respond to whispers
  • Flag will no longer be refreshed due to certain self buffs (watching my timer go down to 1min + refreshing rapid metabolism = ffff)
  • Empire incense daily will be fixed! Yay!
Not going to comment on the endless debate about ganking ruining the game until I'm out of Asee-Teph.


Difficulties in (legit) Lab 13

Today I logged on happily to idle in Nezeb, typing "/z lfg lab13" every couple of minutes in hopes of starting a group. Fortunately the party filled up quickly, and we all teleported down within 20 minutes of the party creation. I felt like I was blessed with patient players, as my previous attempts at creating a legit instance group failed miserably. Everyone was nice and understanding (in our noob ways) and we helped each other finish the pre-dungeon quests before actually heading in...

What awaited us was NOTHING we expected.

We figured that since the instance is level 22, the quests are 22, and our whole group was 22 - we would be fine right? WRONG. Our first 3 pulls proved very difficult - the healer would pull aggro with a single heal, no one seemed to focus fire (wtb raid marks), and the mobs hit HARD. Every pull resulted in at least 2 party members dead. The one time I pulled aggro, the mob crit me for a whopping 4.7k. Needless to say, I was not pleased... when you have a group of the right level players, why is it still so difficult? Someone ended up leaving, I went back to town, defeated and begging for high level help.

This issue seems to be a glaring problem, it's as if Allods is promoting players to get run by higher levels. Here are some fixes...



Alright I just spent the last few minutes looking over templates and tweaking things, I'm not particularly happy with any of these pre-set themes so it'll be awhile before this blog gets its correct look.

I'm trying to search for a template that is simple and will actually allow minor changes without causing headaches. :) Hopefully I'll find what I'm looking for before the end of today.


Holy Lands

I've officially reached the much anticipated Holy lands, and in my first 10 minutes I've already seen 3 League players, 2 of which were labeled as level ??. I figured questing during the mornings would be fairly quiet, but I guess I'm wrong! Unfortunately I'm still 20% away from level 23, and have not run Lab13 yet, so I will be enjoying a few days idling in Nezeb until I ding before I continue questing. In the mean time I've decided to change my primary alt to a healer, who I will slowly be working on...

In the past few days I've befriended 2 players through group quests and ended up applying and joining a guild (TSW). Although it seems like most of their members are doing endgame content (read: Astral ships) it's nice to have green text pop up once in awhile when your questing zone is completely silent.

One thing that really makes the game not-as-fun-as-it-could-be is how huge a difference 1 level can make. I'm used to pvping on WoW and being able to kill players up to 5 levels higher than me out of sheer skill, but it looks very very unlikely on Allods, as a 3 level difference could mean 2-3 shotting someone. Another thing that bothers me, after lurking (and posting) on the official forums, is the lack of endgame content. The game seems really unfinished - even if astral ships are built it looks like people can get a ship full of epics in one day... and then what are they going to do? There is no real incentive to pvp as the pve gear is far better. There is only 1 raid boss and there are no battlegrounds, I'm quite afraid the game will be short-lived once the goal of 'endgame' is attained.



Hello! This is Lunith from Empire on Tensess... This blog will just be a recording of my adventure on Allods Online.

A little about my gaming past:
The only other mmorpg I played for an extended period of time was World of Warcraft. I joined during the 1st expansion (Burning Crusade) and played on and off all the way until Wrath of the Lich King. I did a fair share of raiding (from casual 10mans to serious 25mans) but my love of the game focused on pvp, specifically arena. I quit for good halfway through season 7 because I had attained my pvp "goal" and because arenas were declining and the future looked grim. My other favorite genre of game is FPS - I love competition. After reading about "decent" pvp on Allods, I decided to give it a try.

A little about my Allods characters:
Lunith, Xadaganian psionicist, is my main. As I am writing this, she is halfway through level 18. My plan for her at endgame is half pve and half pvp.

Stiq, Orc brute, is my primary alt. She hasn't even hit 10 yet! But she will be my full-time pvp character.

My favorite race on Allods is actually Arisen, but they do not offer any classes/archetypes that I want to play. I chose Xad psi over Arisen psi due to their racial (10sec physical dmg immunity).

Hope to see you ingame! :)
