Yesterday I was able to talk to Darren Allarde, or GM Chomp, directly on ventrilo concerning the future of Allods. Darren is the associate producer of Allods, he works for Gala-net and you might have seen him ingame (or just on [world] chat) under the name "CHOMP_". Sometimes you'll also find him on the forums or posting on his developer blog. Novograd Times is doing an interview with him soon and is accepting questions from the players themselves - check it out.

It's always good to hear exactly what is going on from a reliable source, especially since what Allods is lacking most right now (as mentioned in several entries) is information. A lot of players feel like they don't know where the game is going - right now I can say that Gala-net/Gpotato is definitely trying hard to get all our suggestions across to AstrumNival, although I don't think I'm allowed to give out full details. ;) My original guess on why patches are slow wasn't too far from the truth.

One of my friends and I both gave a decent amount of feedback as well as suggestions to Darren, so hopefully our concerns will be heard by AstrumNival and will be acted on accordingly. I'll discuss more about whats in store for Allods NA and EU in another entry, as I also want to evaluate why Allods is viewed so negatively by other sites (I have been snooping around) and what everyone can do to make this a better experience. My previous entry is still worth a read if you want information on common concerns found on the official forums.

Patch v6 at a Glance
A lot of players on both the NA and EU forums were making quite a fuss about FoD being applied when players were resurrected by other players. People's reasons ranged anywhere from: "this is just another ploy to make us buy incense!" to "why bother getting a res skill?"

This has since been removed from the patch notes - I hope people will calm down now and realize that Gala-net doesn't want Allods to sink anymore than we do. The rest of the patch has mostly generated positive responses.

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