What I love about faction games is that you can end up really cheering for your own faction. Now, this can go wrong when your own faction has inner disputes and/or players start acting too personal and too insulting towards the other faction (but perhaps some people like this?) I felt like WoW made this work out very well - with catchphrases like "for the horde/alliance!" that you can yell while running into battle. It makes the game just a wee bit more interesting!

Does anyone else feel the same about Allods? Do you have an allegiance to your own faction, and despise the other? Or are they all the same to you?

Or are you like me and can't bring yourself to even level an opposite faction? I tried rolling a league scout on Nezeb last night... let's just say, after getting out of the tutorial, I hit esc and logged out. I felt like a traitor. Now I have nothing against league, and I actually really want to see what the other side of the game looks like for the first ~22 levels, but I just can't bring myself to do it. This happened to me on WoW too, I had never gotten an alliance character past level 20... most of them didn't even make it past their starting zone!

League players - convince me why your side is awesome and amazing!
Empire players - what made you go empire?

4 Responses so far.

  1. Bugsy says:

    I've just started playing on the League side. This was mainly because a friend of mine was playing and I got sucked in.

    Do I detest/hate/have strong negative feelings toward the "other" side, the Empire? No. Would I ever play an Empire character? Sure!

  2. owq says:

    Lol I got to lvl 40 on League side and now I'm trying out the Empire side.

    I must say I prefer the League scenery and the characters are nicer to look at (Gibberlings are so cute). But Empire has its charms too.

  3. Duet says:

    Wow I didn't realize I had so many league visitors. :D

    I agree that gibberlings are adorable, I kind of wish they didn't have to come in 3s though. I think I would definitely have played one if that was an option. Perhaps I'll give league another go this weekend. ;)

  4. Unknown says:

    Well, I'm really kind of impartial, I lost my enthusiasm for hating the other side after people in Guild Wars who were members of oposite factions (Kurzicks and Luxons) would flame each other and call eachother Kurdicks and Suxons. That being said, I'll let it loose with a "Hail, motherland" every so often, and I'll say in jest that League people are "godless baby eaters".

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