Hey all, I have not played Allods for 3+ weeks now. And have no motivation to do so as my friends have also quit - some to go as far as uninstalling. :P Perhaps I'll be back in the future when there is more content or what not, perhaps not. After 2 years of WoW and plenty of other misc mmorpgs, I think I may just be growing out of / getting bored of the genre... Right now I have far more fun logging in for 1-2 hours of FPS/TPS than several hours of mmorpg grinding.

So here's to wishing everyone a good summer and fun on Allods!

Hope this blog was interesting/useful to some people... bye for now! :D

3 Responses so far.

  1. Was wondering what happened. Sorry to see you leave, but I totally understand. If you're looking for a change of pace in the MMO world, give Eve Online a shot. Definitely a very different game with some MMO elements.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Yeah, I understand too the fear of having to grind eventually has caused me (and others, I'm sure) to leave Allods.

  3. Remorse says:

    ugh, sucks to see you go.
    Hope to see you blog later in the future..

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