Hey all, I haven't played Allods for about a whole week now - was preoccupied with the EU All Points Bulletin beta (which was pretty fun, but like many MMO betas: has its imba and glitch issues). So how is everyone with Allods? Still having fun? I have a lot to catch up with but we'll see if I'm even up for it... Just redownloaded a psx emulator so I might be MIA for a few more days. ;)

My most important question is: is endgame still boring as usual? Perhaps I'll spend some time with my league now...

2 Responses so far.

  1. Remorse says:

    Really comes down to how you play. If your a solo player and have no guild. Chances are your not going to be entertained as every pvp battle you do your going to get steamrolled by somebody who has been geared. However, if your in a guild, chances are your going to be able to gona do astral. Now astral is mighty fun, especially if your doing it in enemy sectors(a league ship could warp in, and then you have yourself a battle), as-well that you'll be able to gear up and do serious pvp.

  2. curvekiller says:

    Play League with Acey :)
    I'll be playing this afternoon with my psi Mysteriosity :)

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