Since I'll be discussing LoL a lot for the upcoming days, I might as well introduce myself as a LoL player. My previous introduction was a pretty generic, over all introduction. This will be a summary of my (short) history in LoL.

Anyways, I started playing LoL last December when I was bored of waiting for Cataclysm for WoW. I had moved my priest to another realm to join a guild for rated BGs, however I was pretty disappointed in the caliber of their players. My friends on vent were always in a different channel playing LoL - my first reaction was to youtube some footage of the game, and let me tell you, I thought it was the dumbest looking game ever. Thanks to peer pressure I ended up downloading the game, and I've been hooked on it since. It has elements of games I really enjoy, which is semi-competitive PvP and team cooperation.

Currently my favorite role to play in the game is AP caster, I can't for the life of me get the hang of ranged AD! I'm definitely one of those people who, as soon as they pick up a new champ, end up playing that champ solely until I get good at them. I know some people are more like my friend Tom, who buys a champ every few days and plays a different champ in every single match. LoL is my first MOBA game, I had never played HoN or DotA before this, so I had quite the rocky start.

My champion "mains" went something like this as I leveled up: Cho'gath -> Vladimir (to level 20) -> Swain -> TF (hit 30). After that I expanded and picked up Xin Zhao, Malzahar, and a few other champs. Most notable are LeBlanc and Kassadin, whom I enjoy very much right now.

Luckily for me, when I was leveling up I had an awesome mentor (WodahsJ) and thus got caught to speed with the game fairly quickly (I'm a super fast learner). Since I'm naturally competitive, I had several bouts of self improvement with certain champs. I'm constantly trying to learn and I welcome constructive criticism. Right now I'm preparing for ranked ... so wish me luck! ;D

One Response so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Ranked is overrated imo. :P

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